Emily found herself running into a great forest, she was scared and she could feel cold tears over her cheek... She was running as fast as she could, and she could hear some growls at her back. She looked up to the sky, and the full moon was high into the night... She ran faster and when she finally was able to see the lawn in front of her, she tripped over a root of a tree. She tried to stand up, but her foot was bruised, and as she turned around, she saw the wolf with blood eyes, leaping into the air, ready to stick his claws and teeth into her fragile body.
She woke up screaming and jumping into her bed. She looked the surroundings, cleaning the tears that were leaving her blue eyes. Emily found herself safe into her room, with the blanket Prof Melgrove gave to her. She walked slowly thought the tunnel that leaded the dormatories and the commom room.
Emily wrapped herself more with the blanket, and sat on the closest and coziest chair, next to the fireplace. The commom room was empty, and she figured that it was still class time. She tried to focus on the flames, but the image of the wolf's bloody eyes was still burning into her head.