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 Journey One: Cabin Three [S]

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Minister of Magic
Minister of Magic

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 10:09 am

First Journey
Students Cabin.
Seats Four.
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 11:00 am

It was eveything so new, that Emily couldn't know where to look at. She was glowing with happiness, and her parents were so happy seeing her like that. One they were on the station, Emily frowned a bit... Where was Plataform 9 3/4???? Emily and her parents were tottaly lost, when she finally saw a very familiar red head??
''Pippa??? Are you going to Hogwarts too???'' Shee exclamed seeing her stuff alike hers, not holding herself with so joy, she quickly hugged her tight... Her parents left her with Pippa, and after Emily hugged them tight, they went away...

''I'll send letters to you every week....''

Pippa helped her with all the stuff, it seemed that she knew much more about widcraft than Emily. They quickly found a empty cabin, and she exclamed again!!

"You are a witch too!!!''
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 11:39 am

Pippa held the hands of her parents tightly, although she felt a little silly being the only eleven year old who was toted around like a three year old. Her head whipped around at the familiar voice and she grinned. “Em?! You’re a witch?! Come on! I got LOTS to show you” grabbing her friend’s hand, she went through the column and onto the hidden station. “yes I’m going to Hogwarts, I’ve been waiting my whole life! I’m so happy you can come too!” giggling, the girl dragged her friend onto the train and into the first empty cabin she came to and closed the door. “I’m a witch, yep. And my dad’s the caretaker at Hogwarts and Mom’s the librarian. They’re up in the teacher’s cabins”
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:14 pm

''Oh my Mr and Ms Filtch are witches too?!?'' She exclamed again, with a big smile on her lips. She was so happy for having her best friend by her side, and Pippa knew all about this new stranger world Emily joined.
Emily felt the train moving, and she played with her hands nervously before she grabbed Pippa's hands and asked...
''Tell me more about Hogwarts!! I don't want to play stupid over there...''
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:21 pm

Pippa shook her head. “no, dad’s a Squib, a non-magic person born in a magic family. It’s the exact opposite of you, who was born magic to non-magical parents. People in the magic world don’t like squibs much” she sighed heavily, then giggled. “well! I’ve only heard stories from my parents, but there are four houses you get sorted into depending on your character. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin” she nodded sagely and sat down. “there are also ghosts there and magic passageways. We get to learn all about magic creatures, and it’s advised we don’t fall in the lake or go into the Forbidden Forest. There are things that can eat us in those places” she realized what she said and put a hand over her mouth “oops. But don’t worry, there are lots more good things, I know it!”
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:37 pm

Emily looked down briefly, realizing she said things she didn't know at all...
''I don't know why people doesn't like Mr Filch, he is a good guy...'' She said with a grinned. Mr Filch was her neighbor, and he was really kind to her and her parents...

Emily listened to Pippa very closely. Pippa seemed so smart, not just she travelled aroun the world with her uncle, but also for knowing so much about the magical stuff too... Her eyes widened once Pippa talked about the creatures on the lake and the forest. She would really enjoy swimming on the lake. She knew that one of the most things she would miss was swimming on the ocean, besides the miss of her parents off course.

''Are you sure we can't go to those places??? It smells like adventures, don't cha think???'' She said giggling, and then she punched her friend slightly on her shoulder..... ''Hey, we've been friends since FOREVER.... Why didn't you tell me about this world before????''
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:59 pm

Pippa scowled slightly and crossed her arms. “it’s a disgrace for people of magic descent to not have magic too. Squibs are treated worse than dirt! They’re even lower than the ‘low’” here she used quotation marks “classes like house elves and goblins and stuff. Nobody respects Squibs” she sighed and brightened again. “well, we’re not supposed too…but I bet we can anyway” she winked and shrugged. “it’s against the rules. Can’t tell people who don’t know about it. Something about the medieval times and the witch trials…” she shrugged again. “bad things happen to people who break that rule, that’s what dad says anyway”
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:07 pm

''Then, you are forgive...'' She said with a bright smile and hugged her friend again. But Pippa said so many thing in some much time that she frowned, trying the absorve everything she said.... House elves??? Goblins??? She would ask about thing after, now she had much great worries...

''Well... you said that they didn't like squibs, did you??? And how about me?? How-how are they gonna to treat me???'' She said bitting her lips, and looking to her friend through her eyeleashes....
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:13 pm

Pippa shook her head grinning and hugged her back "don't worry. people like you are liked. it's not the same, ok? you'll do fine. and...I can't really explain it now, but you'll see when we get to the castle" she giggled and looked out of the door. "ooohh! the trolley! want some? my treat!"
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:19 pm

Emily hugged her back, very tight. She was very lucky for having her best friend by her side in one of the most important time of her life.

''Of course I want some!! What do we have??'' She asked, standing right by her side as the trolley stopped by their cabin's door.
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:23 pm

Pippa grinned, looking at the assortments. "let's see...Bertie Bots every flavor beans, and when they say every flavor, boy do they mean it! I got a rabbit fur flavored one once! um, licorice wands, chocolate frogs. you can collect the cards of those, it's a lot of fun. I just need three more and I'll have all of the Hogwarts Headmaster cards!" she grinned and looked back at her friend. "if it's too weird, I have some muggle candies in my bag if you would prefer"
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:30 pm

Emily's eyes got wide hearing the description of the candies Pippa made. They looked so tasty and colored, but as Pippa talked about a rabbit fur flavored bean she back up a step... She loved rabbits and many more animals... She gave a pout, and said very kindly to her friend

''I think I'll try those beans... If get bad lucky you may give me those muggle candies, right??'' She said with a grin, and steped by her friends side again.
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:37 pm

Pippa laughed and nodded "yea, guess you're right. I just love the muggle candies so much! I intend to bring a huge stash every year" she giggled then looked around "hey, they're refferred to as "muggle candies" here. these candies are normal in the wizarding world, not three musketeers and stuff, okay?" she bought the candy and retreated back to their cabin, making sure the window was firmly closed before she dared opening her chocolate frog. it jumped up and onto the seat as Pippa lunged for it. "quick! grab that chocolate! it's getting away!" she laughed hard at the frog's antics and once more tried to catch it
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:49 pm

Emily smiled brightly once Pippa leaned those candies to her, and nodded as she gave her more informations about the wizarding world...

''Alright, I'll keep that in mind...'' She said ans sat on her spot nest to the window, ready to open her candy. At suddenly she jumped on her seat, when she saw that little figure salted from Pippa's hand. It was a frog, it was chocolate, and it was alive like a real frog... Emily jumped through the cabin, and laughed hystericly while she tried to catch the little frog... Finally she reached it down to her seat, and leaned over Pippa

''What happens to him if you bite it?? Does it die and bleed???''
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:54 pm

Pippa laughed, cheering as Emily caught it. she grinned and shook her head. "no, it's normal chocolate, but it's spelled to act like a frog. one of my aunts used a similar spell on a toy cat to keep her company. great for pets, but it's terrible at mousing" she giggled and broke a leg off of the chocolate frog, the little object promptly becoming inanimate once more. "here, want a piece? the spell is broken when a part comes off. it tastes like normal chocolate, I promise!" she giggled again and bit her frog's head before taking a look at her card. "aww, I've got three of him...do you want it, Em? it's Hengist of Woodcroft, he's a Hufflepuff" she offered the card to her friend
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:03 pm

Emily looked suspiciously to the little piece of chocolate, but then she took from her friend's hand... She sat again on her spot, and tried to catch her breath again... Then he took a bite, and she gasped to her friend once she swallowed the candy..

''It tastes really delicious!!'' She marked into her mind to buy some of these when the trolley passes over there again...

Then she took the card Pippa oferred to her, with a big smile...

''Why, thank you Pippa!!'' She said, taking a look on the man on the card... ''Hufflepuff is a house from Hogwarts, right?? What do you know about the houses???''
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:09 pm

Pippa grinned "don't worry. not even wizard candy bites!" she sat down and looked at the ceiling, chewing on her frog thoughtfully. "well, Ravenclaw is for the uber smartypants. every one too clever for their own good goes there. Gryffindor is for the really brave people. the ones with plenty of adventure and bravery get sorted into there. the Slytherin house is for the dudes with darkness in their hearts. there wasn't a witch or wizard who was bad that wasn't in Hogwarts. according to my dad at least and Hufflepuff...is for the ones with a ton of heart, I guess? I dunno, people don't talk about it as much, but I do know that no evil wizards have ever come out of that house" she beamed at her friend. "does that help any?"
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:17 pm

''Yes, that really helped, Pippa!'' Emily said smiling to matches to her friend's one... Then she opened the little bag of beans and offered to her friend... ''Which house do you want to go??''
Then she took a pink bean from the bag, in muggled world, a pink candy had always a good taste.
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:22 pm

Pippa grinned. "good! I'm glad! and...anything but Slytherin. I mean, I don't think I'm dark, but ya never know.." she shook her head and grabbed the bean. "that one's cough syrup flavored! look at the back, it's got a guide for you" she tossed the bean away and picked one out of the bag, offering it to her friend. "here, this one's lemon flavored"
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:24 pm

Hiccup was riding his buddy Toothless to catch up with the train. Hiccup saw two young girls and said to his friend, "Okay buddy hover next to that cart." Toothless nodded his head and flew next to the cart and Hiccup tapped on the window.
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:33 pm

''Thanks again!!" She said with a grimace to the candy, she really didn't like syrup, and joyful put the lemon on her mouth... She chewed a bit, and swallowed with a grinn... ''Hmmm... tasty!!!''

''You not dark at all... but how do they know which house you belong to??'' She said looking to the guide to help her on her next choice...

Then she looked to the window, when she heard a tap and her mouth got widely opened.... She didn't even waited for Pippa's anawer, and jumped to open to window...

''Help me'', she gasped to Pippa
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:35 pm

Pippa winked "where would you be without me?" she giggled and ate another frog, almost choking at the sight of a kid on a dragon outside their window. wordlessly she leaped off her seat and helped Emiily open the window wide. "what are you doing?! you own a dragon?!" she grinned. this was so cool!
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:41 pm

Hiccup mouthed the words as he pointed at the window, 'let us in.' Toothless pointed at the latch at the window as he made a gummy smile.
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Emily Castle

Emily Castle

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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:44 pm

Finally the girls opened the window... The noise of the locomotive's enginee was too loud, and she had to shout so the boy could listen to her!

''You may come in!!!! Is that a truly dragon????'' Emily was bright, she had only seen dragons on movies, or books, and seeing one alive was very awesome!
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Journey One: Cabin Three [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Three [S]   Journey One: Cabin Three [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:47 pm

Pippa grabbed the boy's shirt and dragged him into the room, shouting into his ear "can ya shrink him?! or is he gonna fly by us the whole time?!" she grinned back at Toothless and waved" I can't wait for class! is he one of the animals we'll be studying?" she looked back at Hiccup with interest.
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