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 Journey One: Cabin Two [S]

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Minister of Magic
Minister of Magic

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 10:09 am

First Journey
Students Cabin.
Seats Four.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 11:10 am

"Jim, do you have your toothbrush?"
"Yes, Mom."
"Your scarf?"
"Your underwear?"
"Mom! Sheesh!"
Jim rolled his eyes while his mother just sighed. The full moon had come out just recently, and he wasn't exactly in the best of moods. He looked more like a zombie than anything else, what with the circles under his eyes and the messed up hair. But Jim was past the point of caring about what he looked like.
"Study hard and make sure you get your homework done on time," Sinbad said, clapping his son on the back. "Some of those teachers are harsh when it comes to that kind of stuff."
"I know, Dad," Jim grumbled. "You act like I'm a first year."
His dad bit his lip and Jim's stomach squirmed with guilt. He didn't mean to act snappy, he just wasn't feeling well. "Don't worry, Dad," he said, giving a tired smile. "I'll be alright. I haven't failed any classes yet, and I doubt I will this year."
That seemed to appease his father. He smiled as he hugged Jim. His mother did the same thing, getting a little teary-eyed. But that wasn't unusual when school started. Jim gave a little wave before he pulled his trunk onto the train. He didn't look back as he peeked into the cabins, trying to find one that was empty. No doubt it would fill with people later, but he hoped he could at least get a few minutes alone. Luckily enough, he managed to find one with no people inside. He gave a little smile as he pulled his trunk inside, set it in the rack over his head, then sat down on the seat with a sigh. His head finally felt like it wasn't ringing anymore and he could close his eyes for a moment, resting his weary bones.
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:03 pm

The platform was crowded with families of all types, hugging and crying and saying their goodbyes. Through the steam that poured out of Hogwarts Express, a small family stood close to each other, chatting away. There was an older woman, in her early seventies. Her long silver hair was pulled back into a tight bun and she dressed in a long, elegant dress with a dark fur coat over top. She was a tall woman with a soft, wrinkled face and kindness in her striking blue eyes.

Standing substantially close to the elderly woman was a younger man. He must have been in his mid-twenties and his medium length brown hair was slicked back in a professional manner. He was extremely tall and lanky and was dressed in all white attire.

Standing in front of the elderly woman was a young girl of sixteen. Her red hair was pulled back into an odd sort of style (a long braid fashioned itself as a hair-tie, coiling around to allow a small puff of hair sticking out in a small pony tail). She was rather short, much shorter than the elderly woman and the young man standing next to her, but this did not seem to faze her as she stood with her head held high in a tall sort of fashion. A small smile had wormed its way onto her face and she nodded at something or other that the elderly woman said.

“Of course, grandmamma, what kind of girl do you take me for?” The younger woman smirked and gave a friendly wink at her grandmother. The elderly woman cracked a smile and shook her head. She extended her long and bony pointer finger out and wagged it a bit in front of her granddaughter.

“Molly Guinevere Starkey, I mean it. No letters about detentions this year,” the elderly woman continued to smile despite her warning tone. The younger woman, Molly, rolled her eyes in a friendly manner and nodded once more.

“I will try, grandmamma, I swear on my broomstick’s life,” Molly raised her left hand up for emphasis. Her grandmother smirked and shook her head, saying nothing more on the matter for she probably knew there was nothing else she could say. Trying was all Molly could do… and even that wouldn’t help keep her out of trouble. Trouble was the beast that stalked her in the middle of the night, but the gentleman she opened the door for widely. It was good and it was bad, but it seemed to always be present.

“Molly, Sylvia, Ted!” A male voice, ranging in different pitches for each name uttered, entered the conversation. Molly turned to the left to see an older man walking their way. He was relatively tall, and his long legs seemed to go all over the place as he made his way over. The best way to describe him, perhaps, was much like a giraffe with gravity defying brown hair, a large toothy grin, and an interesting taste in fashion.

“Uncle John!” Molly smiled back as he finally made it to their group. He grinned at her and patted her head, which resulted in a glare sent his way. She studied her uncle’s face as he turned to greet his mother-in-law, shaking her hand gently and giving way to pleasantries. He was almost thirty, but already had some impacting years on him. Molly smiled slightly and looked down at her feet, shuffling them in anticipation to get on the train and head to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

“Oh Jonathan, I’m unsure as to whether or not I’ve seen Peter yet. Will you be sure to tell him I wish him luck in his first year?” Molly’s grandmother smiled at her son-in-law. John smiled in return and nodded.

“Of course, Sylvia,” He told her simply. Sylvia nodded and there was silence. The silence lasted for about two minutes before Sylvia got a strange glint in her eyes. Molly knew that look and had unfortunately begun to see it more and more lately. Her grandmother paused, her mouth slightly ajar before turning to look at Molly. She adopted a stern look and shook her head.

“Helene, honestly, what have I said about doing such tragedies to your hair? Red, darling? Your naturally brunette hair is much more appealing on you and I wish you would curl it more often, it frames your face nicely that way,” Sylvia reached out and tugged on Molly’s bangs. Moll took in a deep breath and smiled in an odd way.

“You’re right, Mother, I’m sorry. I thought it would be fun to change things up a bit, but I’ll try and fix it before the end of the year,” Molly complied with Sylvia’s delusions. The Alzheimer’s forced Sylvia back into the past and it was easier to pretend to be Helene than to try and jog her memories.

“Oh, and where is your sister? Has she already boarded the train? Without even saying goodbye?” Sylvia asked, looking out into the crowd as if to find her youngest daughter. Molly took in a breath and glanced discreetly at John, whose face now seemed void of emotions.

“Yes, she was so excited, Mama, that she rushed to go get a good compartment,” Molly explained. In Sylvia’s current state of mind, they were back 1976. That would make Molly’s deceased mother, Helene, a seventh year and Molly’s deceased Aunt Anne-Marie would have been in her second year. Sylvia nodded solemnly.

“Of course, that’s little Annie for you. Make sure that she keeps her potions grade up. I’d rather not have another incident like last year,” Sylvia said with a strict face. Molly nodded sharply and smiled. Sylvia returned it and reached her hands out to cup Molly’s face. “Oh darling, you’re going to have a wonderful last year. I wish your father was here, but he got caught up with work.”

“I know, give him my love will you?” Molly asked, trying not to choke up. She didn’t cry in front of anyone, even her family. All this talk of those who had died as if they were alive really put a strain on her. Sylvia nodded and hugged her granddaughter.

“Mrs. Jones, I’m a professor at Hogwarts. I’ll make sure to take good care of your daughters for you,” John interrupted with a smile. Sylvia looked up at John and smiled back. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Well thank you very much, Professor. I appreciate it,” she replied. The train whistled its warning call and Molly knew it was about time to board the train. She gave her grandmother another small smile.

“Mama, it’s time for you to go. Ted here is going to escort you home; he brought us here, if you remember? Because papa couldn’t come. You hired him to do stuff around the house for you, so he’ll be staying with you,” Molly told her grandmother, keeping her smile. Sylvia nodded slightly and smiled back, glancing at the young man beside her – Ted. “I’ll write to you when I get there. Love you.”

“Love you too, Darling.” While Sylvia was distracted by trying to figure out where to go, Molly pulled Ted off to the side.

“Thank you, for all your help. If she forgets to pay you by Christmas break, I’ll make sure the money gets to you. Take care of her, will you?” Molly smiled softly. Ted returned it and nodded.

“Of course ma’am –” Molly glared at him. “I-I mean M-Molly.”

“Thank you,” Molly repeated, her glare melting away. She waved goodbye to her grandmother once more, who paused.

“Yes… yes… Bye Molly dearest, see you at Christmas.” Molly let out a sigh of relief at the recognition, her smile brightening just a bit. When her grandmother and Ted disappeared into the crowd and the train gave its second warning call, Molly finally turned around and looked at the majestic scarlet beast.

“Are you okay?” Her Uncle John’s voice broke her thoughts. She turned and smiled at him, nodding without saying a word. He rubbed her shoulder in an attempt at comfort. “So, your sixth year, huh? I better not have to give you any detentions.”

“Haha, you better not give me any detentions, Uncle,” Molly joked back. John wagged his pointer finger at her, standing tall and attempting to look regal.

“Ah, ah, ah, Molly dearest, that’s Professor Smith to you,” John corrected her. Molly smirked and placed her hand on her hip.

“Yeah, but I think I’m gonna have to continue to call you Uncle John or maybe even Uncle Johnny,” Molly smiled widely. John’s smirk surprised and worried her at the same time, but what came out of his mouth next really frightened her.

“Call me that and I’ll have to address you as Molly-Dolly in front of everyone.” Molly’s face paled visibly and she knew she had ultimately lost this round.

“You wouldn’t… you couldn’t… that’s not fair! Everyone would start calling me that!” Molly whined. She wasn’t too terribly fond of the nickname to begin with; it was a childish name that she only allowed her family to call her. To have that said out loud in school would be a travesty.

“That would be the point, Molly-Dolly.” Molly’s face scrunched up and she pointed threateningly at her uncle, who simply chuckled in response. “Go get on the train and try not to get in trouble yet.” Molly let out an annoyed huff.

“You suck, you know that?” Molly heard her uncle laugh as she pulled her trunk along and her owl, Francis, who hooted in his cage. She turned away from him, as he had to go to a different part of the train. As she moved up the steps into the train, she turned around and smirked widely. “Oh, and say hello to that girlfriend of yours!” Her voice was quite loud. She had some inkling of what was going on with John, but not enough. There was someone, yes, it was who she hadn’t figured out yet. Her uncle cringed and glared at her. She stuck her tongue out and rushed into the belly of the beast.

The train was already starting to get crowded, and cabins were filling up quickly. She wondered where Nani, her best friend, was, but she had no clue. She wasn’t even positive she was here yet. “Nani,” she drug out in a whispering, whining tone. “Where are you?”

Molly opened one of the cabins to find that there was a young man already occupying it. He was alone and he had his eyes closed. A smirk formed on Molly’s face and she figured this was as best a place as ever to take camp. Loudly, she made her way in and put her trunk and Francis’ cage up on the rack overhead. She flopped down on the seat and smiled widely at the boy before her. “Oi, you alive?”

[I think I just wrote a fucking novel... T_____T I don't even know how this happened. oh my god... this doesn't happen all the time... I swear... I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!]
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:29 pm

Fionn laughed, picking up and swinging his mother around while his younger siblings pulled at his legs and shouted for his attention. This was a rare moment to actually see the real him, not that anyone really payed attention. He set the small woman down and kneeled, hugging and playing with the kids around him. His mother gently pulled him up, smiling. “remember, write once a week, practice your violin, eat enough and keep your marks up and relax this year. Find some friends, maybe a girl…” Fionn rolled his eyes good naturedly. “I will mama, I promise. You remember to take it easy too, alright? Stay safe and stay healthy and I’ll see you for Christmas break” one more hug, a few more siblings to toss into the air, and he was gone, boarding the train with the first whistle.

Fionn sighed, looking around the cabins. Most of them were full, and had a bunch of people he either didn’t like or who didn’t like him. Taking a deep breath he walked into a random one and stifled a groan. Jim and Molly. Well, this would be interesting. He stomped in and put his bags up, falling back into a seat and glaring at the other two. “what?”

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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:43 pm

Molly sat across from the boy, mildly amused by him already and he hadn't even taken notice of her or said anything. He looked slightly familiar in that she may or may not have seen him around the school. There were just so many people that she could hardly tell them apart quite yet. She wondered, though, what house he was in. Had he been in Gryffindor, she probably would have known of him because she knew most Gryffindors.

Molly had cocked her head to the side, musing to herself that he seemed rather harmless when the door flew open. Moll turned her head sharply to see who had come in; hoping desperately that it had been Nani. She was sorely disappointed when it was none other than Fionn, Gryffindor bully. Molly frowned visibly and sighed dramatically.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked, turning to examine her bitten down nails - she had a bad habit of biting them when she was bored or worrying about things. Her thoughts on Fionn were that he was a bully, with nothing better to do than pick on those who couldn't seem to really stand up for themselves or at least not against him. She ran her tongue over her chapped lips and glanced back up at him with a bored expression. "Well?"
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 12:53 pm

he snorted and put his hands behind his head, settling into his seat. "I'm sitting, what does it look like. saying bye always takes a while, what can I say? at least I'm with the mouse and you. last time it was Slytherins" his eye visibly twitched at the memory. everyone, Molly included, thought Fionn was a heartless bully who hurt people for the fun of it. that suited him just fine seeing as he preferred being alone and focusing on work than on being surrounded by annoying people. "you going to do better for the team this year, or did we finally find a replacement?" he drawled lazily, staring at her coldly.
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:02 pm

Molly rolled her eyes, of course he would take the smart-ass approach. Molly folded her arms over her chest and snorted a bit. "At least? Methinks you'd be better off with the Slytherins," Molly smirked somewhat. She wouldn't wish that upon anyone (having a hypocritical prejudiced view on the Slytherins herself), even Fionn here.

Molly blinked for a moment, unsure if she heard what she thought she heard coming out of Fionn's mouth. Her do better for the team... Her?! She sat up straight, fire igniting in her dark blue eyes as they narrowed into a glare. "Excuse me? Me do better for the team? I think you're the one who needs to start picking up some slack or else you're gonna get pummeled into the dirt by the rest of us! Me, hah, as if!" Molly let out a breathless, annoyed laugh. Her arms had fallen from their place, having been moved about wildly as she spoke, and now her hands rested on her legs. Must he always try and get a rise out of her?
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:14 pm

he snorted "please. nobodies better off with Slytherins. even Slytherins!" he gave a barking laugh and raised an eyebrow at her reaction, a slight smirk appearing on his face. "who else are they going to find to beat the bludgers away from you, love? Alice? no, be glad I'm on it at all or you'd be crushed by now. you're reflexes being slightly...off" he loved getting a rise out of the girl, it was hilarious! "you know, every time you get mad, your eye twitches and you get as red as your hair carrot top"

he closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again. "looking forward to a new year?"
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:22 pm

He had her at that; no one was better off with the Slytherins. They made good rivals, that's for sure, although Fionn was proving to be a worthy component. Molly couldn't help but roll her eyes once more. "You know there's more than one beater, love," She mocked him, copying his tone. "Bah, as if you're doing your job right. Either you simply missed or you purposely aimed that bludger at me last year at the final game." She paused for a moment, taking in what he had said. Her reflexes were off? Was he kidding her? Molly stood up, her hands flying to her hips, and she glared down at him. "My reflexes are perfectly fine! They're better than yours are, that's for sure! Where the hell do you-" she got cut off and scoffed. "You did not just call me carrot top, did you? Are you asking for a punch to the face, because I really think you're going to get it! Don't try and act all like 'Mr. Cool Guy...' Looking forward to a new year... You're going to be in a world of hurt soon, buddy," Molly ranted, pointing her finger in his face as she went on. In the back of her mind, she was rather surprised the other boy didn't move or make any sort of noise... perhaps he was asleep or feigning to be asleep.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:26 pm

"Hmm?" Jim cracked an eye open to see a red-head looking at him. He knew her name, and that she played Quidditch, but that was all. Then again, he knew a lot of the Quidditch players by name, even if he never spoke to them. "Of course I'm alive," he grumbled. "Can't a guy get a little rest around here? Sheesh." He ran a hand over his face as he tried to look slightly more alert.

But things took a turn for the worse when a familiar face entered, one that Jim had actually spoken to. Well, if you counted yelling and getting punched in the face as speaking. It looked like Jim would be stuck with Fionn for the whole ride to Hogwarts. Just his luck. And it looked like he and Molly weren't on very good terms either.

"If I'm a mouse, then you must be a hulking elephant of some sort," he said as he ran a hand through his hair. Five years of being picked on and he still didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. "And what would you know about a good Quidditch player anyway? All you have to do is whack a bludger every now and then. Doesn't take much skill."
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:32 pm

Fionn rolled his eyes. "I told you last year I'd missed and I missed, alright? and your reflexes are too off or I couldn't do this" he picked up a bertie bots bean and beaned her in the forehead with it. "you're supposed to dodge it. I guess living with eleven other kids makes me better for that but what ever" he looked at her calmly, steepling his fingers. "and if I did? you haven't been able to actually hurt me, even when you got me in the jaw last year. I doubt you could do anything, but go ahead" he looked away and out of the window "trust me, I don't consider myself the 'cool guy' and I don't pretend I do" he looked at Jim with interest. heavy sleeper, wasn't he? an interesting thing to keep in mind. "Molly, stop shouting and let him sleep. heaven knows he won't get much rest at Hogwarts" Fionn grinned darkly. "too bad you're so noisy, I was hoping to practice my violin on the way there..." not that she'd take the last statement seriously.

"oh, look who woke up. lucky for you, I save it till we get there. and excuse me, but I don't just "take a bludger" now and then! I defend and that actually does take some skill!" he glared at the other boy, hands clenching in warning
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Todd Cross

Todd Cross

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:40 pm

Todd ducked away from his brothers' hands, plucking at his hair and clothes as if they cared how he looked. "We're going to be late, guys!" he muttered, pushing away from them and grabbing hold of his luggage. His father stepped forward. "Be good, okay? Don't get into any...trouble, okay?" he mused, reaching out to squeeze Todd's shoulder.

The ginger boy shrugged off his father and nodded, giving him a one-armed hug. Joss, the eldest brother, gave him a lop-sidded grin(though Todd couldn't imagine what there was to be smirking about) and pulled him into a squeeze. After several rib-crushing beats, he was released. This kind of obsessively crowded place was not ideal for having long goodbyes. He wouldn't see them for nearly a year and all he could say was "Keep the flat clean." He quickly said his goodbyes to his other siblings, and then pulled Malcolm, the second-youngest, onto the train with him.

Malcolm and Todd parted ways as soon as they boarded the train, with half-hearted "Have a good year"s over their shoulders. He slid into a compartment at random. You never could tell how this was going to be. Sometimes it was just a pleasant silence, where everyone was too wrapped up in themselves to notice anyone else. Other times it was an awkward silence, broken only occasionally with stabs at small-talk that ended as hurriedly as they'd ended. Somehow he didn't think it would be either of those two as he squeezed into a seat beside a brown-haired boy.
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:44 pm

[shall we set up an order, then? Jim, Fionn, Todd, Molly?]

Molly had turned to look at the awakening boy and snorted at his comment - Fionn as an elephant, oh that was good. However, this was the exact moment that Fionn decided to flick a Bertie Bott's Bean at her. She blinked for a moment before contorting her face in anger. Of course she hadn't dodged it, she had been distracted! "Maybe I can't get you with strength but I can get you with a jinx," Molly pulled her wand out of her back pocket and twirled it about in her hand before pointing it loosely at him - not really planning on jinxing him quite yet. "EXCUSE ME! You don't get to tell me what to do!" She then noticed that grin and decided to pull something back on him. She smirked and leaned forward. "An why's that? Is it because he gets more girls than you do? That can definitely interrupt someone's sleeping patterns." She said with a slight shrug.

Molly snorted at the boy's comment. "Thank you! See, sleepy over here gets it! All you need is the strength. I'm out there rushing around, dodging people and bludgers trying to get the bloody quaffle into the rings! At least I have to think," Molly smirked, trying to get a rise out of him now.

Molly blinked then for a moment, turning to notice the fellow ginger sliding into the cabin - obviously trying to go unnoticed. She gave him a pleasant smile and hello, before turning back to Fionn, waiting in hope to see him get angry.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 1:48 pm

"I'm quaking in my boots," Jim said sarcastically, holding up his foot, although the idea of dealing with Fionn, plus the other bullies at school, made him a bit nervous. He kept wishing that maybe they would disappear or they would forget about him, but every year, they managed to find him again, and make sure that he remembered who was on top in the scheme of things. "You may have to get in line though. I'm sure there are plenty of people like you that want to get their hands on me. You might have some competition." He noticed some other guy make his way in and sit next to him. He nodded his head in greeting, but nothing more as he turned to look back at Fionn.

((Sounds good to me. Very Happy))
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 2:02 pm

Fionn raised an eyebrow at her wand and glanced at her. "so soon? must be a new record. didn't you have me vomiting toads last year? if I remember correctly that was when we got onto the platform. and try harder, you almost got there that time" actually the comment about the girls did wound him a little, but he was good at hiding his emotions. dealing with his grandmother had been good in teaching him that. "and I have a brain. I have done your job when you were banned from flying. I can hold my own, I just prefer doing what I do now"

"mmm, don't worry Jim. I'm sure you'll have a little time for me in there somewhere" he chuckled and looked at his gloved hands. "and I always have competition, so nothing new there" he was actually in the same place as Jim, running and avoiding other bullies, trying not to get anything broken or hurt. not that he'd say anything. it was better if people feared him rather than pitied him.

he looked at the new kid and rolled his eyes. "fresh meat? and yet I don't even think you'd be worth my time...just stay away from me from now on and we won't find out, hm?"
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Location : Ottery St. Catchpole / Hogwarts

Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 3:58 am

[ meh, I just wanna keep this going and since Toddy boy hasn't had much of a role yet, you don't mind if I skip over him just this once, do you WWG? D: ]

Molly smiled warmly at the memory. They had just gotten onto the platform when Fionn said or did something to piss her off, so she had coolly flicked out her wand and jinxed him. She had gotten her first detention of the year then, but boy had it been worth it. "Toads was a good choice, wasn't it? I thought it was quite creative because you had been acting like a toad. Maybe I should make it something more vile... though I don't know if you can get more vile than toads," Molly chuckled before placing her wand back into her pocket. "Meh, you're right; it's much too soon for a possible detention - you never know who's monitoring the halls out there. Especially if there are new prefects who can't take a joke."

Molly snorted once more, placing her hand on her hip again - still standing because she had been too riled up to sit down. "Hold your own? They cheered when I was able to get back on the team. Heh, and you prefer to do the brainless work? I shoulda figured," Molly taunted. It was all in good jest, mind you, she didn't honestly think he was stupid.

Molly paused then for a moment before looking between Sleepy and Fionn a few times. Her eyes narrowed when she returned her gaze to Fionn. "You're not telling me this is one of your victims, is it? Merlin's panties! Have you no shame? You're twice this kid's size! What has he ever done that makes you wanna bully him?" Molly turned back to Sleepy, who Fionn had said was called Jim (but she'd prefer to call him Sleepy for the time being). She bent over slightly so that she was a little above eye level with him, examining him to see if there was much of a reason for him to be bullied. She glanced over her shoulder at Fionn.

"Why would you bully him? He's such a little cutie!" Molly told him before turning back to Jim and pinching lightly at his right cheek. "Seriously though, don't let Blondie back there get to you; if he comes at you, you just holler my name and I'll kick his ass," Molly smiled politely at him. "And don't you even think about picking on that kid either, Blondie," Molly threatened as she straightened herself out, gesturing at the other boy. "He seems nice enough."

[I really wanted to call him a villain though... Professor Schmucksalot... omg... WWG, the feels I have -headdesk-]
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 4:15 am

((I don't think it's too bad. Some RPs I've been in have skipped over people in a thread when they know they won't be back for a long time.))

"Slugs come to mind," Jim said, thinking about what could be more vile than a toad. "They're used pretty frequently when students want to leave a nasty surprise in a teacher's desk." That had happened to one of his teachers last year, and it had been pretty funny, although the teacher had assigned extra homework to everyone since she couldn't figure out who did it.

He noticed Molly looking at him and he got a little fidgety at her examination. "What, are you sizing me up for first prize?" he muttered. He pushed Molly's hand away. "I'm not cute," he said, giving a look that suggested he hated the word. "If I ever become cute, it will be because someone decided to turn me into a fluffy bunny." Although he was surprised that Molly offered to help him out if Fionn ever decided to pick on him again. What did he do that made her want to help him? Did he look defenseless or something? He crossed his arms over his chest, a slight pout on his face.
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 4:28 am

Fionn nodded at Jim. "not a bad idea, but I was thinking spiders as well. all those legs as they crawl up your throat and out of your mouth..." he shuddered. "and thank you Molly for thinking it through this time. and yes, I do prefer the non-thinking jobs. they relax me" he shrugged and rolled his eyes. "the one time I need my broom to work, and it faults out on me and we lose the game. contrary to beliefs, I really didn't throw the game"

"oh god Molly. sorry I don't think he's 'cute'. I generally prefer girls" he said it rather heatedly and looked at Jim. "I might be twice his size, but I have a feeling he can hold his own against me in some circumstances. besides, he just creeps me out. and I fight against the things that scare me" except my bullies, ghosts, and grandmother "and no, I don't have shame. you've known this since first year, why is it a surprise now?" again it came out sarcastic and biting and he rolled his eyes. Fionn pulled out his wand and looked at Jim "well, the lady wants 'cute'..." he wasn't actually serious though
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 4:43 am

[Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Keep order, but skip over someone if they're not here; sounds okay to me~]

"Ooh, slugs is a good one! They're slimy, but they come up a lot easier than to-" Molly stopped mid sentence when Fionn started talking about spiders. He seemed to be a bit thorough in his description, which sent chills down her spine. "Oh god, stop!" She absolutely hated bugs and insects and spiders of all kind. They just creeped her out and now she had trouble trying to not picture spiders crawling all over her.

"Hey, I'm only not risking it because my Uncle and Grand-mamma told me not to get into trouble so soon... if they hadn't asked, you'd be vomiting slugs right now or you'd be jinxed into a dress," Molly explained with a small shrug. She wasn't lying. Her grandmother didn't need a confusing letter about her granddaughter, who she only remembered half of the time, getting a detention before she had even gotten off the train and goodness knows what would happen if she ended up having her Uncle John as her detention teacher, the horror!

"Oh yes, blame it on your broom. Here's the deal, we have a good ole face off on the Quidditch Pitch soon, when it's not being used for practice, and then we'll see who's better. I'll bet'cha it's me, but if you wanna figure it out the hard way, than be my guest," Molly smirked at him. Oh yes, the idea of a challenge made her feel giddy. She was confident that she would beat him, but one would never know.

"You don't have to be interested in guys to think he's cute, Fionn, geez. I can name a number of girls who are cute and I'm not into them," Molly rolled her eyes before turning back to Jim and smiling. "Aw, c'mon, it's not a crime to be cute, honey. Though as a bunny, you'd probably be cuter. Would you prefer if I called you handsome? Isn't that what most guys wanna be called instead?" Molly questioned.

"He creeps you out? Really?" Molly looked back down at Jim. "But he's not creepy! You're creepy, but Sleepy over here isn't." She ruffled Jim's hair a bit. She then turned back at Fionn, who had pulled his wand out. She pointed sternly down at him. "Don't even think about it or you'll be in a dress sooner than you can say bibidi-bobidi-boo," Molly warned.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 4:57 am

Jim laughed. "Fionn in a dress, now that would be interesting," he said. "After all, a guy in drag is a pretty standardized form of comedy. Never fails to get a laugh or two." Although Jim had been the victim of a jinx like that himself in his second year and it hadn't exactly been funny at the time. He only managed to get out of it because a teacher took pity on him and reversed the jinx before anybody else could see him. He had spent the rest of the day buried in his Herbology textbook so he wouldn't have to look at anybody. He glanced back over at Molly. "The term hasn't exactly been applied to me often," he said, looking away. Heck, the only person who ever called him "handsome" was his mom, and everyone knew that stuff like that didn't really count. He blew a strand of hair out of his face after Molly mussed it up a bit. "Sleepy? What am I, one of the Seven Dwarfs?" he muttered. Despite the story being intended for Muggles, his mother had mentioned it on more than one occasion, mainly because she had some muggle-born wizards in her family.

He glared at Fionn at the mention of "creepy". It was close enough to the word "freak" that it made his blood boil a little bit. It was statements like these that made Jim feel paranoid, like everyone seemed to know he was a monster, even though he knew nobody did. "How about you just keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand Fionn, huh? Did that thought ever occur to you? You turn me into anything cute and cuddly and I'll bite your head off like the rabbit in Monty Python in the Holy Grail." That would be an interesting thing in an obituary. "Fionn Causer killed by student who was turned into a little white rabbit." He smirked at the thought.
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 5:07 am

"jinx me into a dress Moll Doll and I will jinx spiders coming out of your mouth" he warned her quietly, then grinned. "oh bring it on. but I'll have to get a better broom, mine's never worked right and I'd prefer the contest be fair" he sighed. "Molly, when you look like this or like him, saying another man is cute is just...no" he shook his head and stared at Jim. "before you can I'll throw a holy hand grenade at you. pretty effective" he was a little pleased to hear someone speaking muggle, most people didn't know what Monty Python was. "and maybe I understand more than you think Jim. maybe I know exactly what it feels like. after all, how much do you actually know about me?" he raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "yes Molly he creeps me out. like...something's going to snap at any second and whatever comes out won't hesitate to kill us all"
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 5:23 am

"Wouldn't it though?" Molly laughed before stopping cold. She deadpanned and looked at Fionn, a look of horror, annoyance, and anger on her face. "First thing's first, do not call me that!" It was too close to her childish Molly-Dolly nickname that her older relatives called her, far too close for comfort. "And second thing..." She shivered and fidgeted a little bit, "You do that and I'll kill you." The thought of spiders... coming out of her mouth... oh god. It horrified her, nearly sent tears to her eyes to think about.

"Yes, okay, well get a better broom if you think it'll help, but I honestly doubt it," Molly smirked. She couldn't help but laugh then. "Alright then, whatever you say~" She said in a sing-song voice, before shaking her head amusingly. She turned back to Jim and smiled softly. "Well, maybe you are," Molly chuckled, "Though if you would prefer to be called Cutie instead of Sleepy, I'll think of changing it. See, everyone's gotta have a nickname with me, for exampled Fionn is Blondie." Molly smirked.

"Ooh, Sleepy's got some bite to him, huh? I don't think you'll need me then," Molly smiled at him as he threatened Fionn. Molly finally sat down, not being as riled up as earlier, and then sat in... wait for it... silence as the two mentioned something unfamiliar to her. She had no clue what this 'Monty Python' thing was, a snake of some sorts, perhaps?

"Oh, you would know how it feels like huh? If you had any inkling as to how it felt like, Blondie, than why would you do it to others?" Molly questioned, folding her arms over her chest. She then snorted bitterly. "Honestly, where would you get that idea? To even think that is... ridiculous. He doesn't look like he could kill any of us." Molly looked innocently over Jim; she honestly didn't see it. Although, he did have a peculiar smell to him - one that she picked up thanks to being able to transform into a dog (something more recent that no one but her cousin Peter knew about).
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 5:36 am

"What about you? Do you have a nickname of some sort?" Jim asked, looking up at Molly. "Carrot-Top" came to mind, but that sounded more like an insult than a term of affection like "Cutie" or "Sleepy".

"How much do I need to know?" Jim snapped at Fionn. "You've been on my case practically since Day One. And you seem to enjoy it pretty much, too. I'm not going to spend my time trying to get to know someone who's ready to shove my head in a toilet." Fionn's statement made his stomach get a little queasy, but he managed to force a laugh to hide it. "Yeah, like I'm the type of person to go on a rampage and start shooting curses at everyone. That will be the day. If you think I'm the type to snap easily, maybe you shouldn't press my buttons so much."
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 5:44 am

"really don't see why you call me blondie when 'Fionn' means fair or pale or white" he rolled his eyes. best not to question the mind of Molly Starkey. he shifted in his seat, hands itching to either play his violin or beat something senseless. him and his big mouth, he'd said way too much. "nothing. I know nothing about it, I'm a one dimensional dude who thinks of nthing more than who I'm going to beat today. of course I wouldn't be worried about being a muggle born here, or my eleven siblings and mom at home, foregoing new clothes or shoes or repairs for food" he sighed, then blanched. again, too much. he looked coldly from Jim to Molly. "I want you to remember your place, kid. god Molly, you're so naive! you wouldn't think a kid could kill her entire family, and yet that happened in my village!" he reached into one of his bags and pulled out a newspaper, flinging it at her. "anyone can be dangerous!"
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:00 am

"Me? Naw, I'm just Molly or Moll," or Molly-Dolly, she added in thought. "I get a lot of ginger names, but then I tend to slap those people upside the head. Other than those, no nicknames for me~" Molly smiled and shrugged. She then turned to Fionn. "Pale, white, blonde, you know it all goes together. Feels right, ya know? Plus, remember that blonde wig I shoved on you in second year? That definitely had something to do with." Molly stuck her tongue out at him.

Molly didn't say anything right away, sensing something with Fionn as he blatantly took back his previous statement. She looked between the two. First Fionn saying something about his eleven siblings and his mother - she figured that must be a rough home life, but at the same time she wondered how nice it must be, to have that many people. Then, Jim was saying something about Fionn shoving his head into toilets. That was just gross and wrong! She looked away from Fionn in disgust for a moment before he snapped.

"How about you remember your place? Dear god, you're not king or anything Fionn! And I'm not being naive," she caught the newspaper that Fionn had thrown at her, but didn't look down to read it. "Things like that happen, sure, and they're travesties, but treating Jim over there like he's going to be dangerous might only make him dangerous in the end! If he does snap, it'll be because people are constantly on him all the time; give him a damn break!" Molly ranted. She didn't even know Jim, aside from maybe, possibly having seen him around the school, but that didn't mean she was going to instantly think he was dangerous or anything like that. "And if anyone can be dangerous, than so could I. Why don't you start beating me up or shoving my head into toilets, huh?" She knew Fionn didn't bully girls, but that was besides the point.
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