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 Journey One: Cabin Two [S]

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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:07 am

Jim gave a small smile. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Thank Goodness he had kept the "Carrot-Top" comment to himself, or else he'd probably get a good smacking from Molly. And she looked like she could take on anyone if she got mad enough.

He glanced over at Fionn, surprised that he was revealing this much. Or was it all just sarcasm? With him, it was hard to tell. "Cry me a river," he muttered, looking away. All this fighting was just making him feel worse about himself, and tired to boot. Yelling did take a good amount of energy. Maybe "Sleepy" was a fitting nickname for him after all. He glanced at the newspaper Fionn flung at him and Molly, seeing the headline about some kid going on a killing spree. He swallowed, thinking about how that could easily be him if he lost control during a full moon. He tried to pay attention to what Molly was saying, or yelling in this case. It looked like she was on his side, which he considered good, if a bit new for him. He didn't exactly get many defenders when it came to Hogwarts. Maybe things would be different this year. Maybe.

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:18 am

Fionn looked at Jim for a moment and looked away again quickly, snorting. "sorry, I'm not Alice in Wonderland" he looked back at Molly, rather tired of their fight. "I do remember my place. better than you'd think. and you are naive Molly. you talk to me, don't you?" he gave a mirthless laugh. "and how would you know? have you ever been mistreated in your life? sometimes it serves to make people stronger. and believe me, I know where to draw the line. I do muggle bullying things to him, I never jinx or curse my victims. you know that. you also know I don't hit girls. jeez, make me look like a bigger jerk than I already do" he smirked slightly and put a finger to his lips "shush Molly, he's falling asleep again. best let him rest, no? Tá tú cailín beag amaideach" let's see if she could figure out he'd just called her a silly little girl in Celtic, his native tongue.
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:32 am

Molly smiled at Jim; she was pretty sure he was a good soul. But the calm moment seemed to wash away quicker than it had come. She whipped her head back to look at Fionn. "Oh, haha, yes, talking to you makes me incredibly naive," she said rather sarcastically. She paused then, not truly knowing what to say. No, she had never been mistreated in her life. She had a wonderful family that loved her. Albeit going through incredibly difficult things as a child, she had never once been looked down upon or treated horribly. "Maybe not," she said softly, "but that doesn't mean it's right to do it to other people." She snorted once more. "Because muggle bullying makes it all okay, so does not hitting girls." She rolled her eyes, finding it all a bit silly really.

Molly glanced back over at Jim, he did look as if he was falling asleep; however, she would not take lightly to being shushed. She turned to glare at Fionn when he said something completely foreign to her. She blinked, trying to register what it had meant, but she wasn't even sure what language he was speaking. She narrowed her eyes, "What did you just say?" She asked in a low, threatening tone.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:48 am

"Like I could ever fall asleep with you around," Jim muttered. "You'd probably do some spell that would make antlers grow on my head or draw a mustache on my face with a marker. You'd do something like that, you know?" Of course, those were harmless enough compared to other curses that could be done, but it was still pretty inconvenient when you had to go to class and you had black marker stuff all over your face.

"Knowing him, it was probably an insult," Jim said, not recognizing what language Fionn had spoken in. "Well, two can play at that game." He cleared his throat, and recited an French insult his father like to utter quite frequently to people who made him mad. "Comprend bien, tu parles à un con." Translated literally, it meant "You're so stupid, people pity you."

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 6:55 am

Fionn rolled his eyes and jerked a thumb at Molly. "she's one of the only people I listen to. when she's around anyway. you really think I'd try anything in front of her?" he grinned and held up a finger, doing his best to ignore Molly's death stare. "the language is Celtic, my native tongue. I'm Irish you know. and I told her "calm down sweet girl" so not exactly an insult" he blinked, trying to place Jim's phrase. "that's French, right? and...I don't know any more than that" he looked back at Molly and shrugged. "maybe not, but I do it anyway. there are some things I'd rather no-one knew Molly. being a bully is the perfect wall"
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:08 am

Molly stared at Jim and wondered how much he was really bullied. He seemed so used to it all, which was quite a shame. No one should be bullied as such and she wondered why they picked on him. Was it just because he was a little bit smaller? Maybe be was just easy prey, or whatever they called it. Either way, it was horrible. She could never imagine it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... you listen to me?" Molly snorted. "Didn't even know you listened at all, but it's nice to know I've got some sort of power. See Sleepy, maybe you should stick around me, Blondie would stop bothering you." Moll reached up to move her bangs away from her face, after they had fallen into her eyes. Sometimes they could be a real pain.

Molly sat feeling a bit left out - she didn't know any other languages... she could understand dogs now when not in form and other animals when she was a dog, but that was hardly anything. Plus, it wasn't like she was going to say that out loud. "Ooh, what did you say to him?" Molly asked in wonder, a smirk going across her face until she heard what exactly Fionn had said to her. "You're talking down to me in another language? That's so rude!" Molly made a face at him and huffed, crossing her arms once more.

"Being a bully won't get you anywhere, Blondie, whether you're compensating for or trying to hide something," Molly told him simply. She wasn't going to pry, for that was personal and she knew that if someone wanted to talk about something personal, they would find their own time to tell.
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:14 am

Jim didn't say anything in response to Fionn. It looked like he and Molly were the only ones really going at it. Which suited him just fine. Molly was better at snappy come-backs than anyway. And if worst came to worst, he could always step in and say something else in French. Although it looked like Molly would be helping him a lot more than he would be helping her. It looked like she could take care of herself pretty well. He smiled up at her. "I'll remember that. Thanks." Molly was pretty cool, sticking up for him and offering to help him out.

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:24 am

Fionn shrugged. "what? when I don't know what to say in english, I revert to the language I know best. and Molly, if someone spoke to you in old english you wouldn't understand. you really need to get better at languages" he sighed and closed his eyes, picturing violin chords for a moment. "maybe you should come back home over winter break with me. you could give the muggle boys giving my brother Ardan a hard time a good talking to. who knows? maybe they'd listen to you" he shrugged. sometimes he did feel like saying something, but either it wasn't the time or he chickened out. "tell you what Molly. if you can figure out one thing about me nobody else knows, I'll stop bullying people. how does that sound?"
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:26 am

Jessica looks around, having searched the train for a while for a spare cabin. The least she thought of her departure- from what?- at the station, the better. But to make the day worse, all the spaces were taken. She finally resigns herself with a groan to Cabin Two. Already full.

"Hey guys," she said, poking her head around the door. "Everywhere else is full... d'you mind? I'll just squeeze in the corner or something."
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Todd Cross

Todd Cross

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:29 am

((I am thoroughly offended. How dare you skip over me? I am fab.
But actually yeah I was hoping you'd skip me because I had to go to bed, though I'll be on all night tonight. Just kinda worried I won't be able to get Todd caught up in all the excitemeny.))

Todd would have been perfectly fine to sit there and listen to them drone on and on. For the most part, they seemed to be focusing on things they knew. He'd never hung out with this lot - though they didn't really seem to be getting along with each other anyway.

He sniffed noisily, suddenly realizing how stopped up his nose was. He definitely wasn't about to wipe his nose on his sleeve, especially in front of this lot. Between Dopey, Feisty, and Muscles, he certainly didn't feel at ease enough to be tossing caution to the wind this early in the game.

He raised a hand hesitantly, glancing around at each of them. "Um, so, hi. I'm not important, obviously, but does anyone have, like, a tissue?" It was then that he noticed that Feisty was standing and suddenly wished he hadn't been so zoned out. It seemed like he'd missed a good deal of excitement. At least he was lucid enough to notice a blond poking her head into the cabin.

((I have influenced you beyond help, Alix. Go. Be free. Wreak havoc on the creative minds of roleplayers.))
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Molly Starkey

Molly Starkey

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:37 am

[I'M SORRY OH GREAT AND MIGHTY WEIRDY! I luff you, I swear~ <3 ;3]

It was decided. Molly liked Jim - not in one of those girly, childish 'I like like you' sort of way, but merely as a friend. She was determined to get to know him better - or rather at all - this year. Maybe they had some common interests? She'd be happy to find out.

"Oh, shut up," Molly huffed. She nearly said 'I can talk to dogs, bet'cha can't do that,' but she refrained. No need to get that out in the open yet; she'd much rather have some fun with her secret first. Not that there were many dogs running about Hogwarts, but it didn't mean anyone would know what she was. She then let out a snort. "The day I go home with you over winter break is the day hell freezes over, Blondie; plus, I already have plans," she shook her head, somewhat amused. Though, it did suck that his brother was being bullied. Fionn should surely be able to stand up to them, though, right?

She paused, turned to Fionn, blinked for a moment, and tried to figure out if what he was saying was the truth. A small smile crossed her lips, although it seemed to turn more into a smirk. "You gotta a deal!" Molly laughed. It would be a piece of cake. She'd just follow him around secretly in her dog form and sooner than later, she'd find something out. He'd never bully anyone again!

"Oh, so you talk?" Molly smiled over at the silent one. She thought about it for a moment before pulling a small thing of tissues out of her pocket. "Here, deary. Allergies?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. Molly was then distracted yet again by another girl, Jessica.

"Hey, yeah go ahead, though... there might be some yelling," Molly chuckled, scratching the back of her head.

[Bahahahaha, yes, let me wreak havoc! >3 BTW I LOVE YOUR NICKNAMES FOR EVERYONE!
ugghhhh. and now I have to go to work... >______> see you guys in about five hours... feel free to ignore Molly for a while!]
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:42 am

Molly was the first person to notice her in the doorway. They all seemed rather distracted, as if in some sort of argument. Perfect! Jessica smiled gratefully and wedged herself into the corner, sitting on the floor below the window. It was comfortable enough and there was definitely a better view of the enterainment from this angle.

Jessica had never spoken to either Jim or Todd much before, neither of them being in her House and having never needed to share a cabin with them before she didn't see the point. However she smiled as companiably as she could, considering the circumstances. It was the first train journey to Hogwarts she would spend with her new, somewhat furrier face and she could not help but feel conscious of any looks she got.

"You've been arguing," she noted, looking towards Fionn first. "What did you do this time?"
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:46 am

Jim hoped that things would get settled by this point, since it did seem like the argument was calming down a bit. At least he had actually managed to make a friend. That was practically a miracle in itself. No doubt his parents would be thrilled when he wrote a letter to them.

The guy nearby, who seemed like he had been tuning out most of the yelling, finally spoke. And with a stuffed nose to boot. "My mom's like that, too. Once spring-time rolls around, her nose practically becomes a faucet." He gave a little laugh, feeling weird for actually trying to strike up a conversation with someone. That was pretty new in his case. He looked up to see somebody else enter and blinked in surprise, seeing that the girl's face looked more animal than human. Did a Pollyjuice Potion go wrong or something? But he quickly looked out the window, hoping he hadn't been staring at her. That would be a great first impression to give off.
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:52 am

Fionn sighed, looking at the kid and pulling allergy meds out of his pocket, tossing them over. "here. it'll help. just give them back when you're done" he glanced at the door and blinked, before smiling slightly. "Jessica, hey" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at her question. "I sat down. that's what. Molly and I argue over everything, you know that" he grinned at her, happy to see her. Fionn had had a crush on the blond since first year, but it wasn't as if she'd believe him. she thought he was an obnoxious shallow prick. "how was your summer then?"

besides, guys like big eyes" he looked away, carefully ignoring the other features that would make her a freak

Last edited by Fionn Causer on Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 7:57 am

Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Molly and you argue. Zuko and you argue. You'd argue with the Minister of Magic if you could." She sighed though and smiled half heartedly. It was a little too early in the year to be starting arguments. It could be saved until at least after the feast. "It was fine, thanks. We got another kid in the orphanage, adorable little thing till you find out that the parents had been Death Eaters. He was an absolute terror towards the half bloods."

She looked between the Ravenclaw two boys, one was looking determinedly out the window while the other was gratefully taking the medication that Fionn had just thrown to him. Her eyes met with the latter boy's for a moment and she smiled sympathetically, though the smile was short lived as she ducked her head back downwards. The guy was already ill by the looks of things, no need to make it worse
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Todd Cross

Todd Cross

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:02 am

((Sooo new order? Jim, Fionn, Todd, Molly, Jessica?))

Todd murmured his thanks to 'Feisty' for the tissue, raising an eyebrow slightly at Muscles when he tossed the allergy meds his way. That definitely hadn't been expected - he was a 'bully' type, wasn't he? They were all being so nice he was almost sorry for not paying enough attention to know their names. Whatever the case, he figured he was grateful. "Uh, yeah, man, sure. Thanks." He swallowed a couple of pills dry before handing the bottle back to its owner.

He nodded curtly in a kind of greeting to the blond, rather furry girl before he glanced, surprised, at the brown-haired boy. He hadn't really expected him to speak, though it wasn't like he knew any of them enough to make predictions anyway. "Yeah, I guess it's genetic since my dad's got it too. It comes and goes. My mum was always in perfect health, though." He paused, wetting his lips as he glanced around at the rest of the passengers. "You know this lot? Like, personally?"
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:09 am

Jessica shook her head, seeing the awkward way Fionn stared off in the other direction after the big eyes comment. Yeah, big eyes, short nose, FUR. But she didn't say anything. They might not always be the best of friends but he certainly meant well.

She looked towards the ill Ravenclaw, who seemed to be looking at Fionn quite curiously. She could not help but laugh at the question.

"You know this lot? Like, personally?"

It would definitely be worth a laugh to hear the boy's opinion on Molly, they were always at each other's throats. How would he explain that to an outsider? She listened carefully, though. It might be nice to see if she'd learn anything new about these boys
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:15 am

Fionn laughed and rolled his eyes. "yes. she does. Jess is in Gryffindor with me and Molly, and I make his life hell" Fionn nodded over at Jim, and winced slightly. he did not need another argument, this time with Jessica, over the fact that he was in the same compartment with a guy he pounded on a regular basis. "If ya didn't catch it earlier, I'm Fionn. Molly calls me 'blondie'" he chucked ruefully and then glared at the kid "but if you try it I'll hurt you"
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Jim Hawkins

Jim Hawkins

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:19 am

"Um, not especially," Jim replied, looking at his feet. True, he had met Fionn before this train ride, but Jim doubted that he really counted. "I just met Molly today. She's pretty cool." He gave a little grin her direction. He was actually feeling okay about himself at this point, like he was actually a normal guy. Okay, so maybe making one friend after being at Hogwarts for four years wasn't something to be proud of, but at least Jim could go into his fifth year knowing that somebody could back him up. It looked like Fionn was pretty familiar with the blonde girl. Jim didn't know what her name was, and had no idea if her personality was like Fionn's, or worse. Or maybe it was better. Who knew? He glared at Fionn though. "Jee, nice way to make a good impression of yourself," he muttered.
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:23 am

"You're such a jerk," Jessica blurted out to Fionn, though she quickly regretted it. Great, five minutes into the 'no arguments' pact she had made to herself and it was down the drain. "What did he ever do to you anyway? I thought the OWLs would make you grow up a bit."

She looked towards the Ravenclaw again, suddenly awkward as she realised she was quite a bit louder than she had expected.

"I just realised I don't know either of you two," she said, looking downwards. "Well, except kind of as 'That Kid Fionn Messes With', but that's not much of a name."
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Todd Cross

Todd Cross

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:31 am

Todd raised his eyebrows, frowning slightly at Fionn's description of Jim. Yes, he'd figured that would be the score, but that didn't mean it made him any bit happy. "Um, okay. I agree with Blond Chick. You do seem to be kind of a jerk - 'cept for the meds, I guess that was pretty un-jerk-ish." He'd never really had to deal with the bullies before. They'd always ignored him or just hadn't bothered with him before. He wasn't sure if this was any better.

He glanced back over at Jim, and grinned slightly at his description of Molly. Yes, she did seem nice from the three words she'd said to Todd since boarding the train. She'd given him a tissue, so he supposed that counted as being 'cool'.
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:33 am

Fionn looked at Jim, eyebrow raised. "do I need to make a good impression of myself?" he groaned inwardly at Jessica's comment. great. she still hated him. he snorted at her. "sorry love Tá brón orainn daor, ní féidir le Tiger athrú ar stripes agus is féidir nach béasaí mé" (sorry dear, a tiger cannot change it's stripes and neither can I change my ways.) he gave her a curt nod and sighed. "um, why should I grow up? seriously..." he looked back at Todd. "I don't beat people up on the train. not my style. if you want someone who does, go talk to the Slytherins" he snorted and settled back, closing his eyes.
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Jessica Landon

Jessica Landon

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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:41 am

Fionn's use of his native language made Jessica sniff slightly in contempt. She had never understood what he was saying but the general tone gave her the impression he was not at all repentent. She felt herself blush slightly at being referred to as 'Blonde Chick' by the Ravenclaw, but decided to remain quiet. It was better than 'Furry Face' or 'Ratty'. Merlin, that had been an awful summer with smaller children who didn't understand manners calling her names and taunting her. Luckily it was easy enough to kick them sharply in the calf when the orphanage owner wasn't looking.

"Don't go to the Slytherins," she said in all seriousness towards the Ravenclaw boy, ignoring Fionn's sarcastic humour when he had offered the idea. "I went past their compartment earlier, they look absolutely livid over something or another. Guess the other houses are really getting them down this year."
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Todd Cross

Todd Cross

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PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:48 am

Todd blinked in surprised when Fionn started babbling in some language he couldn't identify. French maybe? Either way, he couldn't guess what the muscley guy was saying.

His gaze flicked back to Jessica and he let out a sharp, humorless laugh. "And that's a change? Either they're high on their pride or whining about the other houses." To say the least, Todd held no sympathy for the Slyths. He didn't really judge them all as a whole, but it was their personalities that had gotten them in that house in the first place, and it was their personalities he had a problem with.
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Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Journey One: Cabin Two [S]   Journey One: Cabin Two [S] - Page 2 EmptySat Apr 14, 2012 8:52 am

"hey, someone who's of the same opinion of the snakes" he gave a humorless laugh and looked at Jessica. "what? it's funny speaking in Celtic when nobody knows what I'm saying. you should try it sometime" it gave him a handy outlet to trash talk the people who made his life hell without them knowing what he said. he narrowed his eyes, a little angry that this kid was making Jessica blush. he decided the kid was going to get a nasty little surprise in his food tonight.
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